Certification Renewal

  • Teaching Certificate Renewals
    Did you know you can renew your standard teaching certificate six months prior to the expiration date?"  The preferred method to renew your teaching certificate is through the Arizona Department of Education's online Educator Portal.  Instructions on how to do so can be found here.  While you can still mail in a paper application, or drop off your renewal application in person, using the online Educator Portal greatly decreases processing time.  There is no fee to renew full endorsements and approved areas, they automatically renew with your certificate. Be sure to check your current certificate expiration date.  See the Types of Certification page for required forms. To renew Standard Teaching Certificate, you will need the form found here.
    Fingerprint Clearance Cards
    Human Resources can assist WESD employees with the process of renewing your fingerprint clearance card. New fingerprint cards are issued through the Department of Public Safety (DPS). DPS requires an organization to submit original prints with a cashier’s check or money order in the amount of $67.00. You may come to Human Resources any working day between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. with your payment to begin the process. The process to obtain a new card can take up to six months, so please plan accordingly.
    Name Changes
    Did you know that the name on your teaching certificate must match your legal name on file with WESD? If you have legally changed your name, you must complete a name change packet and personally present the completed packet to Human Resources.
    Click here for instructions on how to renew online with Fieldprint.