Bullying Prevention Programs

  • One of Washington Elementary School District's unwavering beliefs is that we will provide a safe learning environment for all children. Safety comes in many forms. Providing facilities and grounds that are updated and well maintained; teaching proper fire and emergency evacuation procedures; supporting families in reinforcing stranger danger and pedestrian safety rules.

    One of the most important safety lessons we teach is bullying prevention. Bullying has become all too prevalent throughout the U.S. on elementary and middle school campuses, and we are committed to properly equipping our students to identify and prevent it. By addressing bullying head-on, we are building safer school environments and equipping our children to be responsible, positive members of society.

    Bullying takes many forms, both direct bullying - physical (hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting); verbal (taunting, teasing, degrading racial or sexual comments); or non-verbal (threatening, obscene gestures); and more indirect bullying - spreading rumors, deliberate exclusion.

    WESD has instituted bullying prevention programs at all 32 of our schools. The programs are systematic, encompassing approaches, tailored to each school setting and are designed to:
    • Reduce existing bully/victim problems among school children
    • Prevent the development of new bully/victim problems
    • Improve peer relations
    • Improve school climate
    A combination of classroom, individual, school-based and community-wide activities and educational programs take place throughout the school year. The messages at the core of each school's efforts are straight-forward, positive and consistent. Each school has developed and continually reinforced such rules as:
    • We will not bully others.
    • We will try to help students who are bullied.
    • We will include students who are easily left out.
    • When we know somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.