• Family Tech Support

    The information below is to support you with using your WESD Chromebook at home.

How to Log in Using a Home Computer

How-To Video Tutorials

Chromebooks and Hotspots Troubleshooting Tips

  • What does a hotspot do?

  • How much data can the hotspot use?

  • I think that the hotspot is not working, how can I tell?

  • The hotspot is still not working right, what else could it be?

  • Do I have to add each Chromebook in my household to the hotspot?

  • Two Chromebooks are connected to the Internet but the third one is not, is the Hotspot broken?

  • General Tips to Help Troubleshoot

  • T-Mobile Tech Support Phone Number

  • Do you have these instructions translated in other languages?

How to Log in to Your Chromebook at Home

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

  • Internet

    Internet Options:

    Cox - Cox Hotspot Network is open to the public. Here is a map of Hotspots in the area. Cox is offering two free months to Connect2Compete (C2C) eligible students. C2C does not have a contract nor an installation charge. For more information about this program, check with your school social worker.

    Comcast - Comcast offers free Internet to those who qualify during the COVID-19 pandemic. See announcement

    CenturyLink - CenturyLink - Will waive late fees and will not terminate a residential or small business customer’s service for the next 60 days due to financial circumstances associated with COVID-19. See CenturyLink Pledge.

    Opciones para Internet:

    Cox - ‘Cox Hotspot Network’ está abierto al público. Aquí está un mapa de ‘Hotspots’ en el área. Cox está ofreciendo dos meses gratuitos a estudiantes elegibles para ‘Connect2Compete (C2C)’. C2C no tiene un contrato o pago de instalación. Para más información acerca de este programa, comunicarse con la trabajadora social de su escuela.

    Comcast - Comcast ofrece Internet gratuito a aquellos quienes califican durante la pandemia COVID-19. Refiéranse al anuncio (https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19).

    CenturyLink - CenturyLink – No aplicará cargos por pagos atrasados y no cancelará los servicios de cliente residencial o de negocio pequeño por los próximos 60 días debido a circunstancias financieras asociadas con COVID-19. Refiéranse a CenturyLink Pledge (https://news.centurylink.com/fccpledge).


    Wireless Hotspots:

    Cox providing free wireless hot spots

    Cox Communications has an extensive network of wireless hotspots available at no charge.  To log onto a Cox hotspot:

    • Open your Chromebook and power on.
    • If not prompted with a wifi selection, click on the time at the bottom right side of the screen.
    • Click below the wifi symbol where it says "Not Connected"
    • Find the CableWiFi or CoxWiFi wireless network from the list of available networks and connect to it.
    • You will be taken to a screen in Chrome where you will need to accept the terms and conditions for services. You will be asked to enter your name, email address and check "I agree"
    • You will not need to log in or register
    • Note that this is not a secure network.

    For a map of available hotspots, go to:  https://www.cox.com/residential/internet/learn/cox-hotspots.html

    Cox Communications tiene una extensa red de puntos de acceso inalámbricos disponibles (wireless hotspots) sin costo alguno. Para iniciar sesión en un punto de acceso de Cox:

    • Abran su Chromebook y enciéndanlo.
    • Si no se les solicita una selección de Wifi, hagan clic en “time” (hora) en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla.
    • Hagan clic debajo del símbolo de Wifi donde dice “Not Connected” (No conectado)
      Encuentren la red inalámbrica “CableWiFi” ó CoxWiFi en la lista de redes disponibles y conéctense a esta.
    • A ustedes se les llevará hasta una pantalla en Chrome donde tendrán que aceptar los términos y condiciones de los servicios. Se les pedirá que ingresen su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y que marquen “I agree” (“Acepto”)
    • Ustedes no necesitarán iniciar sesión ó registrarse
    • Por favor tengan en cuenta que ésta no es una red segura

    Para ver un mapa de los puntos de acceso disponibles, vayan a:  https://www.cox.com/residential/internet/learn/cox-hotspots.html