September 2022 SUPER Staff

  • After a two and half-year pause, the WESD is proud to kick off our SUPER Kids and SUPER Staff Programs for the 2022-2023 school year! On September 22, 2022, WESD Superintendent Dr. Paul Stanton visited Chaparral Elementary School, Sweetwater School, and Tumbleweed Elementary to surprise the SUPER Kids and SUPER Staff awardees for September 2022!
    The SUPER Staff awardees were celebrated for going above and beyond every day to support their students, staff and the community. They each received a special certificate and Starbucks gift card in appreciation of their commitment to education.

    Congratulations to:

    Leticia Marquez, office technician and Ryan Stevens, teacher at Chaparral Elementary School; Emily Moscioni Gerard, fifth-grade teacher and Rachel Spelman, special education teacher at Sweetwater School; and Danielle Ashenbrener, achievement intervention specialist, and Yvonne Encinas, behavior support advocate at Tumbleweed Elementary.

    The #WESDFamily is thankful for all they do!