• Register at the School Office

    If any of the following applies:

    1. Students have attended a WESD school this school-year or last school-year AND are changing schools.
      • Students progressing within WESD to a middle school are automatically moved and do not need to register for the new school-year.
      • You may verify that your child is currently enrolled by signing into your ParentVUE account or you may call the school office
    2. Students are transferring for Special Education needs
    3. Students have an approved Open Enrollment to transfer to another WESD school

    Register at the Registration Center or Online

    • Head Start (for the list WESD school sites click here) entering Kindergarten OR
    • Kidspace Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) programs entering Kindergarten.

    If registering Online and you do not have a ParentVUE account

    • Get an Activation Key from your child's school office