Field Trips

  • bus

    Field trips expand children’s learning through active hands-on experience with the rich resources of the local community.  Field trips increase student knowledge and understanding of a subject and add realism to the topic of study.  The field trip coordinator works together with the teachers and administrators to ensure buses are scheduled and arrive on time in a safe and efficient manner to their assigned destination.

  • I am an outside company or private school in need of a bus – how do I request a bus?

    Posted by:

    Contact the Field Trip Coordinator. You will need a certificate of liability in the amount of $1,000,000.  A contract will need to be signed and returned with the certificate of liability ten (10) days prior to the scheduled field trip date.

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  • How do I pay for the bus service?

    Posted by:

    Outside companies or private schools are billed directly.

    Rates (Effective July 1, 2024):

    Bus Driver $36.99 per hour

    Bus Assistant (as required) $27.58 per hour

    $3.50 per mile

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  • Greg Legler
    Field Trip Coordinator