Be Safe – Be Respectful – Be Responsible


    Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, WESD Transportation Fleet Services Department will begin implementing a Positive Bus Safety System (PBSS). PBSS is a framework of expectations, reinforcement, and accountability that teaches students the skills we expect of all bus riders.

    When students follow the Bus Expectations, they may receive a Bus Ticket letting them know that they showed one of our Bus Expectations and Skills! Students sign their Bus Ticket and turn it to the driver where they could win additional recognition at a weekly drawing.

    Students who do not follow the Bus Expectations can distract bus drivers or cause an unsafe ride. Please review the list of Minor Behaviors and Major Behaviors that will result in consequences on a school bus.

    The Bus Behavior Flowchart shows how drivers and monitors will respond to behavior problems.

    Students could receive an Office Discipline Referral if they do not follow bus driver or assistant directions.


    Bus Expectations

    Minor Behaviors and Major Behaviors

    Bus Behavior Flowchart