Title I

  • The purpose of Title I is to enable schools to provide additional opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills outlined in Arizona Academic Content standards and WESD curricula.

    Title I funds are supplemental in nature and are allocated to schools having high concentrations of low-income students. Title I schools provide additional instructional services for targeted students to ensure progress toward meeting performance standards.

    Title I schools are responsible for involving staff and parents in the planning, design, training and evaluation of the program.

    Title I Parent Involvement Procedures

    Meaningful parental involvement is a Washington Elementary School District value. Meaningful parental involvement is defined as: 1) parent participation that supports the instructional program, 2) parent participation in the school-related decision making, and 3) parent participation that supports school/District-related activities. The establishment of this goal allows the District to meet Federal and State parental involvement requirements.

    Parents need to be involved in creating policy that establishes expectations for parental involvement and the means for carrying out the requirements. To this end, the WESD offers the following opportunities:
    • Annual meetings held on all campuses.
    • School Site Council meetings held monthly to seek input.
    • Communication avenues such as parent surveys, newsletters, parenting classes pamphlet, and written description of programs.
    • PTO/PTA/PTSA meetings held periodically.
     As part of the Title I parental involvement policy (Section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965), each school receiving Title I funds, will develop a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share responsibility for improving student achievement. Also, each Title I school must jointly develop and distribute its own written parental involvement policy. This policy will specify that the school will:
    • Convene an annual meeting to explain the Title I program.
    • Offer a flexible number of meetings.
    • Involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs.
    • Provide timely information about the school curricula, assessment data, and student achievement. Provide parents with an opportunity to submit dissenting views to the WESD.
    • Review compacts and parental involvement policies annually.
    To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the schools, parents and community in improving student achievement, the District and schools shall provide the capacity for involvement. The Washington Elementary School District provides capacity for involvement through:
    • Opportunities for participation on District-level Planning and Steering and Facilities Councils as well as a variety of other ad-hoc committees.
    • Parental involvement activities that include volunteering to serving on school council/committees.
    • Parenting classes offered through a variety of programs including Title I, and Title VII.
    • Communication vehicles such as Home-School Connection, School Site Council monthly meetings, and annual Title I meetings.
    • Collaboration between programs established through parent-staff meetings held which involve parents of Title I, Title VII, ELL and Indian Education students. Reviewed and revised at Planning and Steering Council Meeting: December 12, 2006 .


    Lynn Vineyard, Ed.D.
    Administrator for Federal Programs