- Washington Elementary School District
- English Language Learner Program
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English Language Learner Program
The Washington Elementary School District adheres to applicable federal rules, regulations and Arizona statutes. The program services offered for English Language Learners are under the authority of the Supreme Court ruling Lau v. Nichols, the federal court ruling in Flores v. Arizona, and Proposition 203, English Language Education for Children in Public Schools.
Program Goals
1. Provide English language learners with instruction in context of the core academic subjects, including history, science, math, literature, and the arts to increase academic achievement while focusing on English language development skills to meet District and state learning standards.
2. Provide dedicated English Language Development instruction so that learners acquire social and academic English language proficiency.
3. Ensure placement in appropriate instructional programs such as Gifted Education and Special Education while promoting participation in school activities such as performing arts, student government, and athletics.
4. Work cooperatively with families and community agencies in meeting the social, physical, and emotional needs of students.
5. Promote cross-cultural understanding and acceptance of diversity.
6. Meet national and state program requirements for identification, assessment, program services, and reassessment. (Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and Arizona Revised Statutes, sect;15-751 - sect;15-756 English Language Education of Children in Public Schools.
English Language Learner Classroom
"English Language Classroom" means a classroom in which English is the language of instruction used by the teaching personnel, and in which such teaching personnel possess a good knowledge of both English language and subject matter. English language classrooms encompass both English language mainstream classrooms and Structured English Immersion classrooms. An English language classroom should emulate the same diverse profile as the school's population, providing mixed language fluency and literacy levels in every classroom.
Lexia English - English Language Development Program
Lexia English Language Development is an adaptive blended learning program that supports Emergent Bilingual students’ English language acquisition through academic conversations. The program integrates speaking, listening, and grammar in the subjects of math, science, social studies, general knowledge, and biographies. Ancillary materials are utilized by teachers to provide reinforcement and to individualize instruction for students learning English.
Teacher Training
All teachers in the Washington Elementary School District are teachers of English language learners.
The delivery of instruction, however, calls for an enhanced menu of teaching strategies. Teachers are trained in strategies that assist them with meeting the needs of all students in their classrooms.
Each of our schools has skillfully trained staff that assists teachers with testing children, managing Rosetta Stone, using ancillary program materials, using appropriate language acquisition strategies, modeling appropriate instructional strategies, and aligning instruction with the district.Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO)
There are three measures included in the AMAO federal requirements. One is making progress on the test of English language proficiency. WESD has made the target each year on this measure. The second requirement is for the rate of reclassification. WESD has made this target for six of eight years. The third measure requires that 100% of English language learners meet the adequate yearly progress targets in reading and mathematics. WESD did not meet this target for 2014. Through English language and academic instructional programs, the District strives to meet and exceed the language and academic needs of all students.
Jessica StevensEL Coordinator