Climate and Culture Committee

    The Purpose of the Climate and Culture Team and eight sub-Committees is to meet the Governing Board and WESD Goals of providing a safe, secure, and healthy learning and working environment for all, which raises all students’ achievement while building stronger family and community engagement.

    WESD gathers its strength through the diverse cultures of our students, families, and staff.  The Climate and Culture committee seeks opportunities to show our respect to all of our communities, including those traditionally underrepresented.  We collaborate to celebrate our communities by building effective engagement and intuitive processes

    The Subcommittee include Parents, Teachers, and Administrators with students on some of the committees. 


    Daily Attendance Goal for SY 23-24:

    WESD will increase our daily attendance rate by 2% for the school year 23-24.  The outcome WESD will attain is 93.95% average daily attendance rate.
    Last year increase was 3.95%

    Chronic Absenteeism Goal for SY 23-24:

    WESD will decrease our chronic absenteeism rate by 8% for the school year 23-24.  The outcome WESD will attain is a chronic absenteeism rate of 29.80%.
    Last year decrease was 11.12%                                                                                       

    SUSPENSIONS Goal for SY 23-24:  

    WESD will reduce the overall number of suspensions, including ISS & OSS by 10% for the 23-24 school year.
    22-23: In school: 3400 Out of school: 2358 Total: 5758

    WESD will decrease the number of DDN (Disrespect, defiance, non-compliance) incidents by 3%.
    (22-23: 1827 incidents)


    Climate and Culture Leadership Team
    This year there will be a priority for the Climate and Culture committees to be transparent and alert stakeholders as to what they are working on. The Climate and Culture website is an example of that effort and will be attached to the Apple, The Core, and the District Website.  Dr. Bailey will also send out monthly summaries from the committees.   

    An emphasis was made on having committees being productive and finding opportunities to change, build or create.

    F.A.C.E. (Family and Community Engagement) Committee
    FACE - is focusing on Outlined objectives for continuous committee work in relation to parent communication: Define Communication; Identify purpose; Explore tools to measure feedback; Establish resources and strategies to respond; Areas of positive impact; and Opportunities for growth.

    Attendance Team
    The committee celebrated the changes seen so far in attendance and looked though the First Quarter Attendance Presentation. Data indicates that schools are progressing in meeting daily attendance goals.

    Behavior Support - Teachers/Classrooms
    The committee looked at the discipline trends data to gain perspective of the needs in classrooms. It was agreed the next step would be to continue to encourage the building of Positive Classroom Culture by using the PAX approach and tools.

    Behavior Support - Administrative Processes
    The team continued to review current data and in response to that data the discussions of what items they want to prioritize for their own work as well as how to break work into sub-committees.

    The team also discussed the data being collected from the Student Focus groups across the campuses.  That data coupled with the Panorama survey data will provide insight as to action plans for school improvement.

    Student Wellness And Growth (S.W.A.G.) Committee
    The intent was to identify any areas the committee could target students' needs.  It was agreed that the areas such as emotional regulation were a strong need for students. 

    Crisis Team - Administrative Processes

     Top 5 Reasons for Crisis Calls: 

    • Alarm System
    • Defiant Student / Behavior
    • Missing/Runaway Student
    • Injury/Health
    • Displeased Parents on campus

    68 (Aug-Nov) Service Request 2024 (event security, school dances security, parking lot patrol, unarm and lock up)


    • Letters Sent Out: 336
    • Phone Calls: 3256
    • Home Visits: 21



    Top 5 Absence Reasons:

    1. Unverified
    2. Illness
    3. Late In/Early Out
    4. Medical Appointments
    5. Unexcused


    Equitable Outcomes Committee
    Equitable Outcomes looked at the Panorama student and parent surveys – the goal was to identify specific questions in order to make plans that focus on treatment of staff, students and families.