- Washington Elementary School District
- District Committees
District Committees
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The WESD is committed to building collaboration that supports a culture of growth and success. We invite you to contribute to WESD's future by becoming involved in our work through our District Committees.
Learn more about each of our District Committees below and apply today! When applying, you may select up to three committees of your interest.
This committee is an integral part of the Climate and Culture committee. Its main purpose is to provide strategies and interventions to schools to increase daily attendance and decrease chronic absenteeism. It is composed of teachers, classified staff, parent representation and administrators. It meets monthly (in person) with a review of District and specific school data and determining next steps for both the District and individual schools.
Frequency of Meetings:
- Monthly, in person
- 90 minutes
Lyn Bailey
Bond and Override
This task force reviews the processes and progress of existing bond and overrides. They also explore additional needs of the District to make recommendations to the Governing Board when a new Bond and/or Override is needed.
Frequency of Meetings:
- One to two meetings per month, in person and virtual
- One hour
- Daniel O'Brien
- Lyn Bailey
Crisis Team
This committee is part of the Climate and Culture team that meets virtually monthly. Its main purpose is to review data on activities from the previous month that have an impact on the environment of the school, including social media threats, lockdowns, and school wide crisis situations (ie: water, electrical, air conditioning shutdowns). This committee reviews the current crisis models and recommends modifications when needed to the crisis manual. It also has an impact on staff development for the total staff. The committee is comprised of representatives from the following departments: Social Services, School Administration, Academic Support, Special Services, Safety and Mentoring, Business Services, Academic Services, Communications and Public Engagement, Health Services, Transportation, Nutrition Services and the Superintendent's Office.
Frequency of Meetings:
- Monthly, virtual
- One hour
Lyn Bailey
Equitable Outcomes for All
The purpose of this Committee is to help guide the development of WESD systems to support equitable outcomes for all students. The committee will research and provide suggestions and feedback to District leadership to strengthen educational equity in WESD. The Equitable Outcomes committee welcomes diverse points of view, knowing that we all share the same core belief—the importance of ensuring equitable outcomes for all students.
Frequency of Meetings:
- Every other month, in person
- 90 minutes
Lori Mora
FACE Advisory
The FACE committee is committed to helping WESD provide engagement strategies that add value to the family and positive support systems to guide student success. The FACE committee will ensure a genuine effort to help WESD schools, the District, and the community build a relationship with each student's family. Partnerships with the whole community--volunteers, businesses, faith groups, education and government agencies.
Frequency of Meetings:
- Bi-monthly, in person
- 90 minutes
Lori Mora
Positive Behavior Supports Team/MTSS
This committee meets monthly in person as part of the Climate/Culture Leadership team. The major purpose of this committee is to review discipline data in order to make recommendations for the District and specific school interventions/techniques to decrease discipline infractions and increase positive behavior plans. A major part of this committee is to systematize the District for a comprehensive district-wide emphasis on alternative ways to work with students in a collaborative and productive manner. The committee has parent representation, social services, transportation, the Superintendent's Office, MTSS coordinator and Administrative Coaches.
Frequency of Meetings:
- Monthly, in person
- One hour
- Lori Mora
- Lyn Bailey