- Manzanita Elementary School
- School Information
School Information
Please click on the arrows or "Expand All" to learn more about specific areas of our school.
After-school sports are available for students including cross country, boys basketball, girls basketball, cheer and soccer.
If you know in advance that your child is to be absent, please notify the attendance office. Every pupil is expected to attend school every day. The attendance number is 602-347-2211. Please contact your child’s teacher to make up any missing work due to absences.
Dress Code
Uniforms are not required, however, students must adhere the dress code.
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Breakfast is served in the classroom each morning. Lunches are served daily in the cafeteria.
All parents and guardians have a ParentVUE account that can be used to access important information about their student such as grades and attendance. Parents/guardians will need an activation key to log on for the first time. You can obtain an activation key by visiting the school office and bringing a photo ID. If you have a registered email, you can also request account activation online. Please visit https://www.wesdschools.org/ParentVUE to get started.
School Supplies
The WESD provides all required school supplies.
Student Drop-Off and Pickup
Manzanita Elementary School is a walking school and does not provide transportation to regular education students.
Children who walk or ride bicycles to and from school must cross at the safety walks in front of the school. Although children have the privilege of riding their bikes to school, Manzanita School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bicycles. Bicycle riders must use a lock for the bicycle, one that will secure the bicycle to the bicycle rack.
Visiting Campus
All campus visitors must report to the office, sign in and get a visitor badge. Please wear your badge where it will be visible and return it to the office when you have concluded your visit.