- Manzanita Elementary School
- Programs and Services
Programs and Services
Manzanita Elementary School is proud to offer many programs and services to our students and thier families including:
- Academic Intervention Team
- After School Academy
- After-School Remedial Classes
- Art
- Band / Strings /Orchestra
- Breakfast / Lunch Program
- Chorus / Vocal Music
- Computer Classes
- Computer/Technology Lab
- Counseling Services
- English Language Learner
- Extended Day Care
- Free, Full-day Kindergarten
- Garden Club
- Gifted Program
- Head Start Preschool
- Interscholastic Sports
- Library Media Center
- Music
- On-Site Special Education Program
- P.T.A. / P.T.O.
- Parenting Classes / Parent Education
- Parks and Recreation Program
- Physical Education
- Portable Computer Lab
- Remedial Speech Program
- Site Council
- Social Worker/Counselor
- Student Council
- Summer School Classes