- Mountain Sky Junior High School
- School Information
School Information
Please click the arrows below to learn more about specific areas of our school.
Visiting Campus
All campus visitors must report to the office, sign in and get a visitor badge. Please wear your badge where it will be visible and return it to the office when you have concluded your visit.
Please click here for more information about visting campus.
Mountain Sky Junior High offers a variety of athletic opportunities to our students including boys and girls volleyball; girls and boys basketball; girls and boys soccer; girls softball; cross country; cheerleading; wrestling; and track and field.
Please click here to learn more about our athletic programs.
School Supplies
WESD provides textbooks and basic supplies. Some additional materials are useful, but entirely optional. Below is a list of optional supplies that are helpful if you choose to voluntarily provide them for your child or your child's classroom.
Optional Items
- Individual Hand Pencil Sharpener
- Metric Ruler
- Washable Markers
- 3-Ring Binder
- Subject dividers (1 pkg of 5)
- Set of colored pencils
- Pocket Folders
- Plastic Pencil Pouch for 3-Ring Binder
- Box of Tissue
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Breakfast is served in the classroom each morning. Lunches are served daily in the cafeteria.
The breakfast and lunch menu can be viewed by clicking here.
Dress Code
Uniforms are notn required, however, students must adhere to dress code guidelines. Please click here for more information on our dress code. All students are required to wear an ID while on school campus.
All parents and guardians have a ParentVUE account that can be used to access important information about their student such as grades and attendance. Parents/guardians will need an activation key to log on for the first time. You can obtain an activation key by visiting the school office and bringing a photo ID. If you have a registered email, you can also request account activation online. Please visit https://www.wesdschools.org/ParentVUE to get started.
Student Drop-Off and Pickup
Students may not be dropped off before 8:45 a.m. unless they are participating in the Sub-Zero hour.
Students arriving after the late bell must report to the Attendance Office and present a note from home signed by a parent or guardian or be signed in by the parent or legal guardian.
Student drop-off and pickup is located along the front parking lot off of 7th Avenue. We also have a more limited "pull-in" along Greenway Road. Please do not park in the surrounding neighborhoods when dropping off or picking up students.
Please click here to review our Pickup and drop off page for more information.
Students may ride the bus to school based on thier home address. Bus routes are available online by clicking here.
Students may also ride bicycles to school. Bicycles may be stored and secured during the school day in the bicycle rack. This area is available until the tardy bell. Entrance to and exit from this area shall be through the bus bay gates. Students are expected to walk their bikes while on the Mountain Sky campus/crosswalks
Please notify the school if your child is going to be absent. Please call our attendance line at 602-896-6121 and include your student's name, your name and the specific reason for the absence.
Please click here to learn more about our attendance policy.