Visiting Campus

  • Visiting Campus

    We welcome visitors to our campus, but in order to maintain a safe campus, we ask all visitors to report to the office near the flagpole to sign in the "Visitor's Sign In" book and get a visitor badge. All visitors must have valid identification.  At the end of your visit, please sign out and return the badge to the school office.  

    Visiting a Teacher or Team

    If you are visiting a teacher or team, it is recommended that you contact the teacher in advance. Our teachers appreciate conferring with parents, but will not be able to do so while instructing their classes.  Ask the team leader for a "team meeting" to meet with all of your student's core teachers (math, science, language arts and social studies) at one time. 

    Visiting for Lunch

    Parents who are meeting their student for lunch do not need to contact the teacher, but still need to check into the office.  Only parents and guardians will be allowed to eat with students at lunch.  Siblings, friends and other non-declared family members will need to be escorted by a parent or guardian of the student being visited. It is recommended that prior to your visit, you check with the office to make sure you are a declared contact. 

    If parents wish to drop off food, we do ask that they bring the items to the office first.  Office staff will contact the student to come to the office to pick up the food.  The school will NOT accept food delivered by delivery services (DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub) for students. These orders will be denied, and the driver will be turned away from dropping off the food.        

    Dropping Off Items

    Prior to your visit, please check with the office to make sure you are a declared contact. If parents wish to drop off an item, we ask that they bring the item to the office.  Office staff will contact the student to come to the office to pick up the item.   


    Volunteers do great things for us.  We need volunteers to help run small groups in math and reading, run our intramural program, help in the library, or even help during after-school events.  For those interested in long-term volunteering, please check out the volunteering information under School News on the homepage.  Volunteers will have a personal name badge approximately one week after signing the handbook agreement.  Once approved, volunteers will sign in and out using the "Volunteer Sign In" book and wear their name badge.