- Mountain Sky Junior High School
- Instructional Coach
Instructional Coach
Mountain Sky's Instructional Coach Ms. Rebecca Wright is in charge of Assessment, Professional Development, ELL, and Gifted Services at campus level.
Assessment includes Arizona's Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching (AzMERIT) tests, Cognitive Abilities Tests (CogAT), Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) tests, District Assessments and the AIMS test. Both seventh and eighth grade students currently take the AzMERIT Reading, Math, and Writing tests. Additionally, eighth graders currently take the AIMS Science test. The district tests serve as benchmarks at several points during the year to verify that students are on-track in their math, reading, and writing curriculum. The CogAT test is administered several times a year to screen for those students requiring gifted services in Language Arts (verbal giftedness), Mathematics (quantitative giftedness), or Science (non-verbal giftedness). The AZELLA test is administered to students who do not have English as their primary language.
Parents with questions regarding any of the above areas may email Ms.Rebecca Wright, Instructional Coach, at rebecaa.wright@wesdschools.org