All Things E.Q.

  • We are excited to share All Things E.Q. with you! All Things E.Q. is a character development and social-emotional learning program. Sunburst understands that social-emotional learning and communication skills better prepare students for college, career readiness, and life.

    As you know, Sunburst Elementary works hard to develop your child's I.Q. (Intellectual Quotient) by providing a strong academic experience. They also work hard to develop the whole child and care deeply about their E.Q (Emotional Quotient) or social-emotional learning as well. Social-emotional intelligence includes such skills as self-awareness, self-motivation, social skills, and grit, to name a few. These skills are important habits our students can take with them into the world.

    Each week the All Things E.Q. insights and topics will be sent to all members of the school community, including teachers, students, parents, and staff, so everyone can use the shared vocabulary and be a part of our connected and positive community. We provide our parent community with weekly updates to ensure you get the same information, at the same time, as your child. For instance, we will begin the year with the first motto:

    My Day Depends on Me

    Knowing each week's motto and lesson creates a shared vocabulary between home and school. When we all work together, we bring the best of all of us to our students and create a supportive, safe environment for everyone.

    To receive the motto each week, with ideas on how to implement the motto at home, click here.