- Ocotillo Elementary School
- School Information
School Information
Please click on the arrows or "Expand All" to learn more about specific areas of our school.
Parents are to report the reason for their child’s absence on or before the day of the absence by calling our attendance clerk at 602-347-2411. All absences not verified on or before the absence occurs will remain unexcused.
Arriving Late
Students who arrive after 7:30 a.m. will be required to be signed in by a parent/guardian in the front office each day the student is late to school. After three tardies, students will receive a consequence, including warnings, lunch detention or after-school detention. Students in afterschool detention must be picked up by a parent/guardian at 3:15 p.m.
Signing Out Students
Anyone signing students out during the school day must be listed on the student’s emergency card and show valid identification every time – NO EXCEPTIONS! We have found that calling students out of school early takes at least 15 minutes. Due to transitioning and dismissal procedures, students will not be called out of class 20 minutes prior to dismissal.
After School Opportunities and Athletics
Ocotillo Elementtary sponsors several after-school activities such as student council, cross country, chorus, and boys and girls basketball programs. There is no charge for these programs, and complete information will be available as they are scheduled during the year.
Before/After School Care
A District-sponsored childcare, KidSpace, program is available that provides before- and after-school supervision and activities for students. There is a nominal fee for this service. Further information is available through the extended day office at 602-347-2415.
Dress Code
Uniforms are not required but students must adhere to the dress code.
Student IDs are an essential part of the Ocotillo dress code. IDs must be worn by all students at all times for the sake of safety on the campus.
Breakfast and lunch are served free of charge to all students.
Breakfast is served at the beginning of the day in the homeroom classroom. Breakfast ends in each classroom promptly at 7:40am. Not all breakfast selections are available for all students each day.
Lunches are served daily in the cafeteria.
All parents and guardians have a ParentVUE account that can be used to access important information about their student such as grades and attendance. Parents/guardians will need an activation key to log on for the first time. You can obtain an activation key by visiting the school office and bringing a photo ID. If you have a registered email, you can also request account activation online. Please visit https://www.wesdschools.org/ParentVUE to get started.
Preschool Programs
Head Start is available at Ocotillo for four and five year olds. Information is available from the program director at 602-347-2415 or 602-347-2443.
School Supplies
The WESD provides all required school supplies. Teachers may send home a "wish list" of optional supplies.
Student Drop-Off and Pickup
No student is to be on campus before 7:10 a.m.
Students are dropped off and picked up through the pull-through lanes on the east side of the school. If parents need to come into the building or talk to a teacher, they need to park in the parking lot. No cars are to be parked in either pickup lane.
Students may ride the bus to school based on thier home address. Bus routes are available online by clicking here.
Students may also ride bicycles to school with permission from their parents; however, the Washington Elementary School District and Ocotillo School assume no responsibility for these bicycles. They must be parked in the bike racks correctly and locked.
Visiting Campus
All visitors must sign-in at the front office. In order to visit any area on campus, a valid photo identification must be presented and left at the front office.
IDs will be returned as visitors sign-out. Due to current health concerns, the principal may restrict access to visitors at any point in the school year to keep our students and staff safe by physically distancing and/or meeting health department requirements.