- Mountain View School
- School Information
School Information
Please click on the arrows or "Expand All" to learn about specific areas of our school.
Mountain View School offers a variety of athletic opportunities to our students including boys and girls volleyball; girls and boys basketball; girls and boys soccer; girls softball; cross country; and cheerleading.
When a student is absent, it is necessary for the parent to call the school (602-347-4111) on or before the day of absence in order to advise the school as to the reason for the absence. All absences not verified by parental or administrative authorization will remain unexcused.
If a parent does not have access to a phone, either at home or at work, a note will be accepted for verification purposes. For absences greater than one day in length, the school should be notified each day of the absence.
Students cannot be signed out for the day after 2:10 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday or after 12:40 p.m. on Wednesdays
Dress Code
Mountain View School is a uniform school. The uniform consists of the red Mountain View shirt, navy blue or black bottoms (no jeans), closed toed shoes and the student's ID.
Once the gates open at 7:15 a.m., students will report to their homeroom class for breakfast. Students arriving after 7:30 a.m. will not be guaranteed breakfast at school.
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students
All parents and guardians have a ParentVUE account that can be used to access important information about their student such as grades and attendance. Parents/guardians will need an activation key to log on for the first time. You can obtain an activation key by visiting the school office and bringing a photo ID. If you have a registered email, you can also request account activation online. Please visit https://www.wesdschools.org/ParentVUE to get started.
School Supplies
The WESD provides all required school supplies.
Student Drop-Off and Pickup
Students may ride the bus to school based on thier home address. Bus routes are available online by clicking here.
Students may also ride bicyles to school. Bicycles must be locked and parked in the racks provided. Mountain View cannot assume financial responsibility for bicycles that are lost or stolen. Bicycles are to be walked across major streets. Bicycles are not permitted on the sidewalks or in the building area of Mountain View
Visiting Campus
All visitors must report to the front office and present proper ID.