Site Council

  • Meetings

    The Mountain Sky Site Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month unless otherwise scheduled.  The meetings start at 5:30 p.m. in the library.  Note: Meetings may move to other locations when there is a department review. 



    • To promote student involvement and input in all school activities;
    • To promote and communicate successes to parents, teachers and the community by encouraging special programs and communicating about the purposes of the Council;
    • To review the curriculum and provide learning experiences that produce school improvement as indicated by Effective Schools Research and successful middle level education research;
    • To listen and be responsive to the Mountain Sky needs by facilitating the development of short-term and long-range objectives and action plans for school improvements;
    • To assess how well the school is doing through surveys and other types of assessment;
    • To maintain a safe and secure school learning climate; and
    • To facilitate budget development for both capital and operating funds as empowered by District guidelines and policies.