Parent Teacher Organization

  • About Us

    The Mountain Sky Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) supports school-wide events, programs and fundraising.  We work hard to provide the best possible educational and extracurricular activities for the MSJH students, but we cannot do this work alone.  We know we can count on our parents, community members and local businesses to help us continue to make our school an environment of excellence for our kids. You can do this by supporting our school-wide fundraisers, or by donating time as a volunteer during the year.  Your tax-deductible donation goes a long way to supporting the various programs and activities on campus.

    Learn how the PTO has raised and used funds raised to support our school.  Please read the  Community Report  covering the school years 2018-2019 through 2021-2022.

    A note from the PTO President:

    MSJH Teacher/Staff Favorites List

    Shopping for a gift for a member of the Mountain Sky faculty or staff? Maybe you are trying to determine the best gift card to give them for the holidays, or maybe you want to bring them a coffee in the morning to say thank you during Teacher Appreciation Week. Well, look no further for a hint of what they might appreciate the most. The PTO was able to track down some of their favorites - even a few Amazon wish lists, too. Simply click on the link to see if your favorite teacher/staff member shares a list of their favorite items and places to shop or eat!


    Online Store

    You can now shop and pay for items like Spirit Gear and even the Direct Drive through our store!

    Visit our store by clicking here!