- Mountain Sky Junior High School
- Eighth Grade Promotion
Eighth Grade Promotion
For years, the Mountain Sky community has received strong support for a promotion ceremony that is respectful and reflective of our students' achievements, yet holds the perspective that completing middle school is not an ultimate life-fulfilling goal.
We see the successful completion of middle school as a benchmark worthy of recognition, but also just a step toward greater future plans. With that in mind, our promotion activity honors our eighth graders as they move to the next level of their education. It is not intended to be a formal affair. We ask that families help their students put their two years in that perspective, as they plan for promotion. Please do not go to unnecessary expense.
Ultimately, we expect to have a simple, but respectful event that makes parents and students proud of their last days at Mountain Sky. Of course, we believe, “Once an Eagle., always an Eagle.”
Click on the arrows below to view specific information about our promotion ceremonies.
Please note that some of the information below applies specifically to when the Promotion Ceremony is located at the school.
Eligibility for Promotion
Students must meet the following eligibility criteria to walk through promotion:
- They must be in good academic standing (meaning they have passed their core classes for the year according to a 4 point scale.
- They must accumulate a minimum of 4 points in Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts each. An 'F' receives no points).
- Notices will be sent home several times throughout the year notifying families of student progress. Those who may be academically ineligible to participate in the ceremony will be monitored by the academic team leaders. Nonparticipating students will be notified prior to the ceremony.
- They must maintain acceptable conduct in the month leading up to the ceremony.
- They must arrive on time and in dress code for the event.
- They must be in good academic standing (meaning they have passed their core classes for the year according to a 4 point scale.
There will be one practice the day prior to the ceremony. This will take place as part of the school day and is not an event families will need to plan for, but it is important for any student participating in promotion.
On the day of promotion, students will gather in the Cafeteria with their 1st Period class 30 minutes prior to the ceremony. Roll will be taken 15 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony, in order to create an accurate list of student names being read. Any student not in line for roll call runs the risk of not having his or her name read.
We will have limited parking, but visitors may use the front lot, bus bay and back field to park.
**Please note the bus bay parking lot will not be available for parking before 9:15 a.m. or after 2:15 p.m. due to buses needing to use the lot.
Out of respect for our neighbors, we ask that families avoid parking along 7th Avenue or in the surrounding neighborhoods.
We ask that families bring no more than four people. Since we will be hosting the families of approximately 260 students at one time in the gym, seating will be very limited. There will be extra chairs around the front, for those unable to manage climbing the bleacher stairs. With a seating capacity of about 500, we will not have enough seating for families to stay for both ceremonies. Please only attend your own student's promotion.
The ceremonies will be livestreamed; the link will be posted to the website shortly following the event.
There will be a lengthy gap of time between the two ceremonies, but we will need families to leave soon after the first ceremony, in order to allow the next attendees to park, and for us to reset the gym. At the completion of the second ceremony, we will need families to move their vehicles in order to avoid being surrounded by the arriving buses at seventh grade dismissal.
Dress Code
Most students dress nicely for this important event, but are encouraged to keep it in perspective. We want this to be a special event, but it is not equal to an event such as a graduation or prom. In order to pay the appropriate level of respect for this event tuxedos, cocktail dresses, floor-length formals are all discouraged.
Please remember, school/District dress codes listed in the student handbook are also in effect, so backless, strapless, or spaghetti strap dresses or blouses are not appropriate. Bare midriffs, exposed undergarments, sheer clothing, inappropriate slogans, hats, etc. are not acceptable. Any students in violation will be asked to change prior to walking. Also, T-shirts, shorts, mini-skirts are not appropriate.
We recommend business casual for students.
- For boys a button-down shirt with or without a tie, collar shirt, nice pants or dress pants. Dress trousers or dress jeans, would be acceptable alternatives.
- For girls, we recommend nice dresses, skirts and blouses or pants outfits, dress shirts, capris. Shrugs or cardigans should be used to cover shoulders.
Both students and audience members will find that high-heeled shoes are difficult to walk in on the gym floor or in the bleachers and may be dangerous. Low-heeled shoes are encouraged
Ceremony Etiquette
In order to make sure everyone can enjoy the event, we ask our families to consider the following:
- Parents taking pictures should avoid blocking the view of other spectators. There is some room between the bleachers for cameras.
- Parents and guests may not stand along the side or behind the student seating.
- Please do not use artificial noise makers such as horns or whistles that interfere with the reading of names during the ceremony or interrupt by shouting or yelling. This often results in other student’s names not being heard by families.
- Parents taking pictures should avoid blocking the view of other spectators. There is some room between the bleachers for cameras.
Promotional Certificates
1st period teachers will be giving out a packet after promotion in the courtyard, which will include final report cards, promotion certificates and final assessments.
Flowers and Gifts
Our P.T.O. (S.P.I.C.E.) will be selling flowers and gifts during the promotion event. Please feel free to purchase items at the door after you drop off your student to report to their homerooms.