- Cactus Wren Elementary School
- Library
- About the Library
About the Library
Expectations and Guidelines
Circulation Guidelines
- Head Start through first grade students are allowed to check out one book at a time. These students need to learn how to take care of books and return them to the library each week.
- Head Start and kindergarten students select from a specially chosen set of fiction and non-fiction picture books designed to meet their learning needs. They keep their books in their classroom while learning to care of their books and return them each week to the library.
- First grade students are allowed access to the library’s entire fiction and non-fiction picture book section. They are instructed in how books are arranged and assisted in selecting a book that is just right for them. After the first quarter, with their parent’s permission, students are allowed to take their books home.
- Second grade students are allowed to check out two books from the library’s fiction and non-fiction picture book section. As their reading ability increases students are also allowed to check out books from the library’s easy chapter book section. Students are instructed in choosing a just right book, one that is not too hard or too easy. Books are checked out for a week and must be returned on the student’s next library day. Books may be renewed.
- Third through Sixth grade students are allowed to check out two books and are now allowed access to the entire library collection. Instruction now includes using the online library catalog to conduct searches in various data bases. More in depth knowledge is provided in library organization, providing students with the tools to access resources and increase the student’s responsibility for their own learning.
Behavior in the LibraryThe Make Your Day rule (No One Has the Right to Interfere With the Learning, Safety, or Well-Being of Others) applies in the library as it does in any other area of the school. Library expectations includes being respectful and responsible for their own behavior whether they are with their class, a small group or individually. This includes being respectful and responsible for library materials, including books and other library equipment and resources.
Meet Our Librarian!
Bernadette Yako has been a proud worker of the Washington Elementary School District since 2005, starting first at Alta Vista and then also at Cactus Wren Elementary School, as a Library Technician. She has a bachelor's degree in Economic Management with an emphasis in Statistics. Bernadette is also an Assyrian-Arabic translator for Washington Elementary School, assisting those who have difficulties with communication in the school district. Mrs. Yako takes pleasure in having the opportunity to help students and teachers alike on a regular basis. It brings her joy to know her job makes a difference.