- Palo Verde Middle School
- Library
About the Library
The purpose of the Palo Verde Middle School library is to support our students' education as lifelong learners and readers. This is done by putting resources in the hands of students and their community which encourages students to read, teaches students the skills necessary to evaluate information, and encourage student responsibility.
Guidelines and Expectations
- Students may check out two library books at a time from the Palo Verde Library. Books are checked out for two weeks.
- Payment for lost or damaged books is expected.
- Students receive lessons in library usage, vocabulary, and research in the library.
- Students are expected to follow Palo Verde behavior expectations when visiting the library.
- Library expectations include being respectful and responsible for their own behavior whether they are with their class, a small group or individually. This includes being respectful and responsible for library materials, including books and other library equipment and resources.
- Textbooks are available for check out if desired.
Library Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.Wednesday8:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Library Staff