- Cactus Wren Elementary School
- School Information
School Information
Please click on the arrows or "Expand All" to learn more about specific areas of our school.
The legal custodial parent or legal guardian of the child must notify the school of the student's absence prior to the absence or when the absence occurs.
In order for absences relating to illness, doctor appointment, bereavement, family emergencies, or district approved family vacation to be counted as excused absences, the school must be notified in advance or at the time of any absence by the parent or other person who has custody of the student per A.R.S. § 15-807(B). The school will document the date, reason, and person reporting the absence. The documented record shall be maintained for not less than four years after the fiscal year it was created or received.
If an absence occurs relating to any other term or condition that is not specifically designated herein, the absence shall be counted as unexcused. Students absent for ten consecutive school days, except for excused absences identified herein, shall be withdrawn from the school effective the last day of attendance or reported excused absence, pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-901(A). The governing board may take disciplinary action that may lead to expulsion pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-342.
Before/After School Care
KidSpace before and after care is available for students please call 602-347-2129 for more information or click here
Dress Code
Uniforms are required. Students enrolled when the school year is already in session will get a two-week grace period to purchase uniforms. Clothing may not be altered, baggy or over-sized.
Student IDs are part of our uniform. All students are required to wear an ID while on school campus and on buses. To replace a defaced or lost ID the cost is $2. Replacement clips and pouches are 50¢ each.
Please see our Uniform Guidelines page for more information.
Extracurricular Activities
Cactus Wren offers sports such as cross country and basketball. The Cactus Wren Academy provides before and after school enrichment classes
Breakfast and lunch are provided. There is no cost for school meals. Breakfast is served in the classroom 7:30 – 7:45 a.m.
All parents and guardians have a ParentVUE account that can be used to access important information about their student such as grades and attendance. Parents/guardians will need an activation key to log on for the first time. You can obtain an activation key by visiting the school office and bringing a photo ID. If you have a registered email, you can also request account activation online. Please visit https://www.wesdschools.org/ParentVUE to get started.
School Supplies
WESD provides all required supplies. Teachers may offer a "wish list" of optional items. Binders are preferred over using backpacks. A colored grade level communication folder will be provided to send home communications.
Students may ride the bus based on thier home address. Bus routes are available online by clicking here.
Students may also ride bicycles to school. Bicycles must be secured by a lock inside the bike rack area. The school is not responsible for loss or damage of a bicycle. Only grades 1–6 are allowed to ride bikes.
If walking, please use the crosswalks. Those who live on the north side of the school may use the crosswalk at 39th Ave. and Camino Acequia. Those who live closer to Carol may use the crosswalk at 39th Ave. & Carol. No scooters or skateboards are permitted.